When it comes to dachshund puppies, they are always known to be very cute in such a way that one cant resists them. Before an individual decides to take one, it is always important for them to ensure that they look into the aspects that seem to be more important. The first thing that one should check is the health of the dachshund as well as the breed standards. However, when an individual is looking for Dachshund pups, one should immediately notice on their elongated appearance which is also unique in a way. They should always have compact bodies that are very narrow and also low in the ground. The skin of the Dachshund puppies is also important which makes one pay much attention to them. This is because, one should always look for the type of skin that seems not to have wrinkles that are excess hence, making them look flexible. Since the shoulders of the dachshunds are long and broad, they always tend to connect on the muscular neck which is long then direct to the muscular trunk. However, individuals should be very keen on this as no skin should be seen sagging on any part. The loins and pelvis of the pups should be arched very well in such a way that the back-end appears much stronger. The dachshund pups tend to have a relatively straight tail as well as a slight curve. For the tail, it should always follow the line of the spine perfectly without having any kinks, knots, or even twists in it.
This is because the tail always provides the pups with an appearance that is balanced and should not be carried low or even high. When looking at the legs of the dachshund puppies, one should always make sure that they are relatively straight but also short. Since the back legs are known to be the most powerful, they should be positioned well- apart. As for the front legs and the back, they should never appear turned out. Another important thing that one should pay attention to when they are looking for dachshund puppies, is their feet. This is because, puppies tend to have different types of feet but for the dachshunds, their feet should be full broad and stand close to each other. For the hind feet, they should be very narrower and smaller than the upfront feet. For the nails of the dachshunds, most of them tend to have black nails but they can always be lighter depending on the puppies’ coat or color. As for the pads which are under the paws, they should always be thick and firm. Individuals should be keen enough to observe the puppies as they walk as they should walk equally on all fours without having to favor any paws. For the shape of the eyes, it should always be almond but medium-sized. The color of the eyes is -always determined on whether the puppy is lighter or dark. The ears should be medium-sized in such a way that they hang close to the head. Checking on the breed standard before purchasing one is also important.